


2024-07-09 17:55:00   

  广州,2024年7月8日 盛大开幕的第26届中国建博会(广州),意库马艺术涂料以其标志性的“狂野的意库马”主题展厅,再次引领行业风尚,将艺术与材料的无限可能呈现给全球观众。意库马,作为意大利原装原罐高端艺术涂料的领军品牌,在这场建筑与装饰行业的年度盛事中,展示了品牌对于“狂野”概念的独到解读和全新诠释,为每位参观者奉上一场视觉与心灵的双重盛宴。

Guangzhou, July 8, 2024 — At the grand opening of the 26th China International Building and Decoration Fair (CIBDF) in Guangzhou today, Ecoart, the premium Italian art paint brand, once again leads the industry trend with its iconic "Wild Ecoart" themed exhibition hall, showcasing the infinite possibilities of art and materials to a global audience. As a leading brand of high-end art paints imported directly from Italy, Ecoart presents its unique interpretation and new take on the concept of "wildness" at this annual event for the building and decoration industry, offering every visitor a feast for both the eyes and the soul.




The ITALIA showroom's design philosophy is anchored in a profound reinterpretation of "wildness", dedicated to exploring the infinite possibilities of fusion and impact between art and materials. The brand beckons every visitor to transform into an explorer of this artistic odyssey, stepping into a space of creativity that transcends the realms of reality, where one can truly experience the brand values and boundless opportunities communicated by ITALIA.


  展会期间,意库马意大利总部CEO Francesco Palazzo先生隆重推出了一款全球首发产品——陶泥·莱切石。这款涂料的灵感源自意大利南部迷人海滨城市莱切,以其天然陶泥石灰基底和特殊矿物添加,赋予墙面自然的质感与微妙的光泽,仿佛莱切古城在阳光下的温柔呼吸,彰显出意库马对自然美的独特追求与表达。

During the exhibition, Mr. Francesco Palazzo, the CEO of ITALIA Art Coatings' Italian headquarters, proudly unveiled a global first: the Terracotta Lecce Stone. Inspired by the beguiling seaside town of Lecce in Southern Italy, this coating harnesses the natural essence of terracotta and lime, enriched with proprietary mineral additives. It imparts onto walls a texture that echoes the natural touch of the earth and a subtle luster reminiscent of Lecce's ancient stones basking gently in the sunlight. This embodies ITALIA Art Coatings' singular quest and articulation of natural beauty.

“ 一匹陶泥莱切石之马,承载意大利风情,献礼意库马


将意大利的灵魂带入每一个意库马空间 ”



Confronted with challenges from both inside and outside the industry, Mr. Xiang Xinghao, CEO of ITALIA China, stated that despite some companies opting out of this year's Canton Fair for Building Materials, ITALIA has remained steadfast on this stage since its debut in 2020. The company firmly believes that this platform serves not only as a showcase for brand strength and confidence but also as a valuable opportunity for deep engagement and mutual growth with industry peers and a broad consumer base. Viewing the participation in 2024 as a fresh start for the brand to weather storms and achieve steady growth, ITALIA aims to deepen its market presence and forge ahead to brilliance in collaboration with its dealer partners.



In the first half of 2024, ITALIA empowered its dealers through an omnichannel matrix marketing strategy. Online, it crafted a comprehensive brand matrix featuring short videos and livestream e-commerce, establishing over 1,000 matrix accounts which significantly increased brand visibility and directed traffic to stores nationwide. Offline, the company rolled out a "nanny-style" support program, offering one-stop "worry-free" coaching and training, fully backing the dealers' market expansion efforts.ITALIA positions itself as the most dealer-savvy art paint brand, deeply committed to supporting its distributors.


ITALIA's impressive presentation at the 2024 China Building Expo (Guangzhou) not only solidified its leadership in the global art coatings market but also signalled its unwavering determination and confidence to further cultivate the Chinese market. Embracing a "wild" spirit, ITALIA is setting the course for future trends in the art coatings industry.